Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Lonestar Luganese

Lonestar Luganese. That's what I was going to call this blog. No longer. It's Tex Swiss. Just didn't want to deal with people not remembering/understanding the title.

What is a Lonestar Luganese? It's a person who lives in Lugano Switzerland, who used to live in Texas, USA. Who am I? Tex Swiss. I'm moving my family to one of the most beautiful, idyllic, and safe places in the world. Switzerland has one of the highest standards of living in the world, and it is practically in the center of the world, with quick access to anywhere. I can't wait to visit for the first time, or return to places I've previously been. I haven't left yet, but I am on pins and needles!

How did I end up here? Well, my previous job had me working 80 hour weeks for months on end with no compensation, I gained 40 pounds, and stopped doing anything else, including spending time with my family or taking care of myself.

My wonderful wife, Mrs Tex Swiss, grew tired of not seeing me, and my lack of time with our children, and devised an ingenious plan to whisk us in a magic carriage to a better place! In short, she sent my resume to CSCS, the Swiss National Supercomputing Center, and I got the job!

I start in mid February, and have decided to blog about the experience. I leave in about one month, and there is so much to do before I leave, my head may explode.

1 comment:

Just ME said...

Tex swiss cool site. I like it.